Photo by Ryan Jerome @ryan_jerome Grooming by Jessica Chu @jessicachumua Writing by Adrienne Strand
Betty Who is like a ray of sunshine. This Australian singer inspires, uplifts and impresses. Since her debut in 2010, she has been all over and done everything — released music, toured with Katy Perry, hosted a reality show, and even appeared on the screen as herself in ‘The Bold Type’ and as Kira Matthews in 2020’s ‘Unpregnant.’ Now an independent artist, she continues to share her music with the world through strong and honest records like her latest album BIG!
What do you associate with the word ‘punk’?
Freedom. Expression. Otherness.
How has your music career changed since becoming an independent artist?
I have so much room to make exactly what I wanna make when I wanna make it which is sort of all i ever wanted. I love independence. It comes with more pressure but I think I can take the heat.
Which other artist have you had the most fun working/touring with?
I am obsessed with Kylie Minogue and as an Aussie kid who grew up worshiping her, it still blows my mind that I got to open for her on tour. I’ll be grateful for that opportunity forever.
You have been very open about being part of the LGBTQ+ community and were part of revamping the intro to Netflix’s ‘Queer Eye’ in 2018. Do you have any advice for people who might be struggling with their own sexuality or feel confused about how to navigate the world being part of the queer community?
Take your time. You will change and grow and being yourself right now is the most important thing. There’s so much pressure to confirm your identity and make it easy for people to put you in a box, but no one knows you like you know you. Don’t let anyone take that away from you.
What is a dream of yours?
I would love to go to Japan and play a show. I’ve never been and it’s top of my list.
What mottos do you live by in order to experience life as your most authentic self?
I’m a bitch. I’m a boss. I’m a bitch and a boss and I shine like gloss. – Doja Cat
If you could have any animal in the world as a pet (they would be very happy and could live in proper conditions!), what would you pick?
I would have 12 dogs, and they’d all sleep in bed with me. Filthy animals, I love em, I wanna snuggle them all.
Fantastic photo shoot. A unique character / expression. Refreshing.