Unless you are a great explorer, you will surely never have seen these sublime landscapes, scattered all over the world. Netflix takes you on a journey without leaving home to discover unknown lands.

  •     The Gooplab in Jamaica

At the helm of Goop, both a website teeming with healthy advice and a cosmetics and lifestyle brand, Gwyneth Paltrow has created a veritable empire in Los Angeles. A fan of alternative and natural methods, she continues to explore, through this documentary, uncommon processes aimed at improving our well-being and peace of mind, ranging from hallucinogenic mushroom taking in Jamaica to cold therapy in Lake Tahoe.  

  •     Our planet around the world 

In addition to traveling the world through its most beautiful landscapes, wildlife and wilderness, this ambitious documentary reveals the impact of climate change on all living creatures.

  •     Chasing Coral in the Southern Oceans

In an ecological approach, this documentary follows divers, scientists and photographers from all over the world. A major underwater campaign to prevent the disappearance of coral reefs is on the agenda.

By Justine Duclaux

Photos: Pinterest