Aml Ameen, who stars in “Boxing Day,” is a man of many talents. Writer, director, producer AND actor, he explores who he is in all areas of his life. BOXING DAY represents an important project in his life as he did more than just act in it! Having found his purpose in life, Aml Ameen wakes up and chases after his dreams a little more every day!
Writer, director, producer, and actor on the upcoming romantic comedy BOXING DAY, wow! What was that experience like? In what ways were your different talents utilized (based on each role)?
It was an all encompassing feeling that both matured me and aged my soul. And I loved it. It felt right and necessary, in the way that I wanted something done, and from experience understood that trying my hand at all hats simultaneously would push this thing forward. I was supported by a powerful team of great minds, who I borrowed from in an instant to learn and learn quickly. Each skill develops a different part of you. With directing I became a community leader and servant, writing is fun and the strongest use of initial imagination. Acting in this film specifically was a lot of fun, being a rom-com guy was fun. But producing is the real challenge, it takes discipline and problem-solving in a way that develops character.
Share with us the day you decided to work on the project. What inspired it?
It was 2016. I was in my family home, and we all danced to a dancehall song in my mum’s kitchen. I have a huge animated family, and I thought If our holiday joy could be captured it might make for an interesting film. Once I decided on that part, I really dug deep into the diary of my life and drew from experiences.
Tell us more about the different themes you explore. What do each mean to you?
I explore love, family, heartbreak, nostalgia, race, culture, romance, Black British culture, Black culture globally. This is expressed through the characters, the music choices. The most important thing was to show everyday life within the remit of a rom-com, do so tightly and with flair, hiding the medicine in the candy.
What did you discover about yourself throughout this experience? And about others?
I learned how much I loved scoring, and how much music would shift and change scenes. I learned that I have good instincts and that I’m an octopus and multitasking comes naturally to me. I also learned how service-oriented I am as a person, and that I wrote the film for the people, in service to the audience I wanted to reach and heal through story.

Growing up, what did your “dream job” look like? Is it what you became?
I have lived all aspects of my dream life from childhood. I’ve been very lucky in that way.
Any particular story from your childhood that you would like to share with us today? Whether it be a hard or exciting moment!
The first time I felt infatuated was on the 13th of February 1999. Her name was Krystal Dixon. Walking down old Brompton high street. I was wearing a red Ralph Lauren polo shirt under my brown v neck sweater. My heart started to beat, the heavens opened up, and I experienced cloud 9. That’s the kind of kid I still am, wild vivid 4D imagination. lol.
In what ways are you seeing positive changes in the industry? Negative ones?
I think with streaming services making international work available, and social networks making it so we can connect with people around the world instantly. Authenticity is on the rise, as well as the power being with the people.
Do you believe you have found your purpose yet? Explain.
Yes, I do believe I have. It’s the very thing that moves me to joy and wake up in the morning.
Any plans for the New Year?
Space out somewhere and dream up my next reality.
Photo Credit Rowan Daly
Interview Alexandra Bonnet