Music. Such a broad term when you really think of it, no? What is music? Sound? Lyrics? A mix of it all? Pretty much. And with music comes themes and feelings which are so different for each artist, which makes meeting different ones unique experiences in themselves. Sk8 has recently released a song which we highly recommend you check out and he continues to rock his way to the top!
When I say the word “domination,” what comes to mind? In what ways do you “dominate”?
Lots comes to mind, but honestly I try to keep control over my life as much as possible, but that’s hard in the industry I’m in.
Being a musician, what would you say has been the most difficult obstacle you have overcome so far?
As a musician the most difficult obstacle to overcome has just been believing in yourself. No matter how many accolades or gold records or anything you get you still sometimes have that little doubt. So the biggest is just to stay on the course and not give up.
What is the most dominant theme in your song releases? Most dominant in- strument? Your most dominant song?
In my recent releases the most dominant instrument would probably be the drums. They usually are depending on the types of guitars but the drums really stand out and dominate the whole record.
Share with us the earliest memory you have encountering music and how it made you feel. Who are some of the most influential people in your life? In what ways did they help shape who you are today?
The earliest memory I have of diving into music would be when I was 14, I was like a sophomore in highschool so maybe 15, I went to BestBuy and bought the 30 or 40 pack of blank CD’s and brought them home. I put all the music on them individually, each one. I downloaded the songs onto them and tried to sell them at the school but I ended up just giving them all away cause no one wanted to buy my CD.