@sophierussek A personal trainer from New York City, Sophie Russek is also a true fashion icon. Describing her style as flashy, retro, and a little fluid, what usually makes her stand out are her changes in hair looks. Hoping to have a bi-coastal career and life,...
Bleezy@ihybleezy Straight from Dallas, Texas, Bleezy has great style and an amazing voice. A vocal artist, making music is his whole world and he loves it. When you don’t care what people think of you, there is no surprise that your true self comes out and that’s...
Logan Compton@logantheleo A social media director for a beauty brand here in Los Angeles, Logan Compton is currently from Brooklyn, New York, and showing off his fashion style! Describing it as a little bit classic beauty, he added “ I think today my look is very bold...
Ava Vegas@avavegas With such a wide variety of talent across the globe, it was amazing meeting Ava Vegas, a musician from Berlin. Currently playing and recording new music in Los Angeles, it was her style that caught our attention at first. Humbly she shared, “I don’t...