Photo by Ryan Jerome @ryan_jerome Hair + Makeup by Brenda Ferrell @B-Ready Beauty Writing by Alexandra Bonnet @alexbonnetwrites

Leading the cast on BET+ series “Ruthless,” the beautiful and empowering Melissa L. Williams showcases her talents on and off screen. Also volunteering in her spare time with The Young Storytellers, an arts education non-profit operating primarily in Los Angeles that targets Title 1 schools. A bright light in this world, Mellisa L. Williams spoke with us at Vulkan about her time acting, her purpose, and more!

As a woman in the tv/film industry, do you feel as though there is more room for women power today?

There is always more room for women power hold space and be a force in the tv/film industry or any industry! I am an African-American woman leading a hit television show written, directed and produced by the first black billionaire who owns the largest production studio in the world. Today, anything is possible.

What do you believe is your most dom- inating characteristic when walking into a meeting?

I believe my most dominating characteristic is that I move with intention. When I want something, I will get it. It may take a while but I am willing to do the work required and have the patience to see it through. I walk into any meeting with intention and purpose.

Through your acting, what do you hope to accomplish?

I plan on accomplishing a lot of things; from Broadway, to putting out my own music, to producing my own projects. I am excited for my future and my goal is longevity within industry.

Share with us a time you felt defeated yet overcame the situation at hand.

Maya Angelou dropped this gem on defeat. “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, and how you can still come out of it.”

At what point did you feel yourself connected to your true power?

At this point in my life, I feel like I am starting to tap in and am connecting to my true power. I feel like that takes time and solidarity to discover through focused self-work

Any messages for our readers on what it takes to truly live life to its fullest?

I’m gonna leave you with another Maya Angelou quote “you may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”