By the age of 25, most people are celebrating their first job, having recently graduated from college and finding themselves while sometimes feeling a little lost. For singer and songwriter Sabrina Claudio, the path seemed a little different. By 25, the musically inclined Virgo had already released an EP titled “Confidently Lost”, was featured as a Billboard Twitter Emerging Artist, had her full-length digital mixtape “About Time” on Billboard’s Top R&B/Hip-Hop Album and a certified Gold single by the Recording Industry Association of America.Vulkan was lucky to enough to get to speak to the Cuban & Puerto Rican artist on what has helped her get to where she is. From discovering her passion for signing, finding her purpose, to giving us her thoughts on her upcoming tour.

Share with us how your journey as a singer has evolved. What are some im- portant lessons you learned?
My journey as a singer coincides with my growth as an individual. With time and ex- periences, I’ve evolved into someone who is incredibly confident and sure of who I am as an artist, a creative, and a woman. The lessons I have learned are endless and are still being taught until this day. One that will always remain true is that never compromis- ing your vision, your art, and who you are as an individual for the sake of comforting and reassuring others will always leave you with the most rewarding outcome.
What inspired you to pursue singing and who is your biggest supporter?
Once I discovered songwriting, my per- spective on being an artist and singing completely changed. I’ve always known I could sing but it was never a passion or something I envisioned as a career until I realized that I can essentially become a sto- ryteller for a living. My biggest supporters have been and always will be my family. A lot of the reason why I’m where I am today is because of the persistence behind their support.
Tell us about the new album you’re working on and what is the inspira-tion behind the album?
Well, I’ve already released my new album a couple months ago. It’s called “Based On A Feeling”. 🙂
From writing the song to producing it to singing it , Tell us about your creative process.
The process varies depending on the day and who is in the room but normally every- thing is started from scratch. Production is vital to the writing process and deter- mines how well the day will go. I’ll usually give the producer/musician space to spark the idea based off of how they’re feeling in the moment and I will guide them from there. Once we’re in a place where we’re all mutually content with where we are, I will start the writing process. I’m more so of an introverted writer where I will more than likely write the entire song (or a good
What zodiac sign are you and what are the pros and cons of your sign?
I am a virgo and you can’t really ask a virgo what are the cons to our sign because the answer will be that there are none- which is true. I will say that some of the pros would be that we are very detail oriented, con- siderate of others, nurturing, caring, struc- tured, loyal, honest, I mean I can go on fordays.
Describe to us a magical moment in your life where you saw true women empowerment. How do you empower women?
I just unapologetically embody my feminin- ity in every aspect of my life in hopes that other women will use me as an example to feel comfortable enough to do the same if that is what they so desire.
What are some tips on being an artist?
Again, stop compromising your art. Don’t allow others or this industry to determine your value or your success. Do what makes you feel the most fulfilled regardless of the accolades
You’re touring very soon, Can you give us a little scoop on what to ex- pect and how do you prepare for it?
Expect to be submerged in vibes and feels. My music when performed live has a com- pletely different energy to it than when streaming it. Preparing for it just consists of time being put into the set list, the musical portion of it. Then we spend time on the production- from stage design to time cod- ing lights, etc.
What motivates you in life? How do you motivate others?
In music, my supporters. In life, my family.
Explain what role fashion plays in your life.
Fashion is just a part of the storytelling that made me fall in love with being an artist. It helps to add to whichever piece we’re creating whether it be for music videos, shows, or even on album covers to help illustrate the mood or concept in ways that more people can understand.
What makes you stand out?
The event that had the biggest impact on Probably my creative choices in my music.
Share with us one of the most rebellious acts you have done.
In real life I’m actually not rebellious at all. I’ve always been quite the rule follower from when I was a little girl. I’d say in music, just being myself is probably the most rebellious thing any of us can do as artists.
Have you found your purpose? Explain.
I feel like I’m currently living my purpose and that is to tell other peoples stories through music.